An openly europeanist choice

Europe is going through difficult times, the expansion of extremist movements in various members of the EU, the ongoing economic crisis, Brexit, and the refugee crisis; have created a feeling that the European Union is failing, with the interests of individual member states taking precedence over the interests of the community. The uncertainty caused by the election of Donald Trump as US President and his announcements do not help this situation.

We firmly believe now is the time to react, and to avoid that all the progress that has been made within the European Union, though incomplete, is lost precisely at a time when external threats and instability in other parts of the world cannot be ignored. We need to be stronger than ever. It is necessary to assess the path that has brought us to this point and to analyse the mistakes made in the EU approach so as not to throw out our achievements, but to consolidate the European project learning from our own failures.

The time has come to defend a united Europe where its participants cede sovereignty as the only way to guarantee our security, solidarity and progress. But this cession of sovereignty cannot be envisaged without policies that ensure and sustain the engagement of the citizens of Europe. The trust of the European citizens in the European Union must be recovered, by policies at the European level and their corresponding reforms and implementation at the national level that should promote strong, stable, and democratic European institutions.

We advocate for a federal Europe and believe, promote and defend the European values and principles with a view to a pragmatic integration. Today more than ever, is when those of us who defend European federalism have to make an effort to reach out to all citizens, governments, political parties and civil society to reaffirm their belief in a supranational democratic model.

Strengthening Europe to improve our countries

“Regarding Europe, we want to reaffirm our trust in the achievement of a profoundly democratic union, that will progress towards the elimination of internal borders, favouring the freedom of movement and residence of European citizens and pursuing fiscal, judicial, and educational convergence in the member states of the European Union.”


Advocating for the strengthening of the Union is not only an act of solidarity, but also a very pragmatic approach for the member states. If the EU fractures, we will be left vulnerable in a globalised world facing great emerging powers such as China, or the strategic power of Russia. Some people are still not aware of that.

We believe that the response to the different crises Europe is facing can only be a more efficient and honest Union. It is up to us, European citizens to make the decisions which will shape our future. In the European Union we pursue, citizens must be a central pillar for the completion of the European project.

Today, member states have still not provided the European Union with the competences necessary to resolve in an efficient manner the challenges facing us. There is still no true political Union that would allow for effective, democratic action to address our problems and a clear accounting of the European institutions to the citizens.

While the policies of security, defence and international affairs depend on the political will, funds and availability of each member state we will inevitably find ourselves facing divisions and inaction in critical affairs for the EU. The European policies, initiatives and actions must be decided democratically at the European level. They must depend on European competences and institutions and be finances through the appropriate EU funds.

We want to build a Europe for citizens, of individual rights and liberties. The Commission needs to become more like an autonomous government and the European Parliament needs to have full competence over the legislative process. We consider that the European Council, which brings together ministers and heads of state of the 28 member states, needs to have a secondary role in the EU. Currently, the Council takes transcendental decisions for European citizens often against the opinions of the European Parliament and the Commission. We also advocate for an EU which plays a stronger role in European defence.

Political union

Fiscal union

Unión Fiscal UE Unión Europea

The full economic and democratic potential of Europe, as well as the exit of the crisis can only come about with a stronger fiscal integration. We have seen time and again that purely national actions are inefficient in creating an economic recovery. Only the creation of the tools and resources necessary to facilitate common economic, industrial and energetic policies will give the necessary impulse to trade and competitiveness and favour research, innovation, education, the construction of transeuropean networks and to complete the EU single market for services.

We need to seek a balance between fiscal consolidation and investment in growth and jobs. A fiscal union is not viable without social justice. Ending youth unemployment must be a priority. Advances have to be made to end with the debt load that is destroying the opportunities of many European citizens. We need new tax mechanisms in Europe and debt instruments for a proactive European policy at the economic and social level.

We need finally a greater commitment to the culmination of the Economic and Monetary Union, as it is essential to complement the single currency with a fiscal and financial pillar that stabilizes it. Such a union also needs a better defined social dimension (European minimal wage, labour insertion, integration of refugees, etc.) all supported by the democratic legitimacy that would be derived from a Political Union.

Europe is not just a market: the values ​​it defends and its open and tolerant mentality is what gives it weight in the world. However, there is a need to deepen European integration and strengthen the legitimacy of the European institutions by making them more democratic and transparent.

We advocate for a guaranteeing quality education and health care for all people; to develop social protection systems that allow the most vulnerable to live with dignity and a way out of poverty. We believe in the European Union as a project through which fundamental freedoms and rights can be guaranteed. According to art. 21 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, on non-discrimination, we believe that the European institutions should be involved with a greater commitment and will in the fight against all discrimination, among others, violence exercised due to a person's gender, race, political opinions or sexual orientation.

So as to progress in building this necessary unity, citizens need to regain confidence in the European project through responsible and transparent management from the member states themselves. We will promote the necessary work to inform and transmit the knowledge that citizens deserve to receive on the incomplete European project.

Social union

Unión Social UE Unión Europea
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